Comprehensive Retirement Gap Calculator
An extremely powerful and flexible tool which has been designed to help determine your retirement status and the actions required to ensure a comfortable retirement.
Not only will you be able to determine and calculate any additional capital provisions, but you will also be able to perform'what if' scenario testing by changing assumptions, varying your required retirement income or retirement age. You will also be able to determine the 'globular' rate of return required in order for you to achieve your retirement objectives.
Format: Excel Worksheet (xls) Last Modified: 30 June 2009 |  | SCREENSHOTS
Consolidated Retirement Tool
One retirement tool which will allow you to perform one of three exercises:
Retirement Gap for people planning and providing for their retirement
About to Retire for people reiring now.
Already Retired for people that retired some while back.
The tool allows for volatility simulation and allows you to construct a portfolio of Target Return Funds.
Format: Last Modified: 02 November 2011 |  |
Disablity Needs Calculator
This simple calculator is designed to assist you in determining the amount of Disability Cover which may be effected in terms of the current LOA Limitations.
Format: Excel Worksheet (xls) Last Modified: 30 June 2009 |  | SCREENSHOTS
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Estate Analysis Calculator
A simple but powerful tool which will enable you to perform a comprehensive Estate Analysis including Estate Duty, Estate Liquidity and Estate Cash Flow Forecast. The calculator will assist in identifying any capital shorfalls in terms of Estate Liquidity and Liveable Income for the family.
You are also able to perform 'what if' scenarios where you can vary the basic assumptions such as growth rates, CPI and income levels required.
Format: Excel Worksheet (xls) Last Modified: 14 February 2014 |  | SCREENSHOTS
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Fund Library
Format: Last Modified: 26 March 2010 |  |
Portfolio Construction Tool
The beauty of this tool lies in its simplicity and functionality and the fact that it sits on top of an extremely credible, objective and reliable fund evaluation and selection process.
The tool will enable you to construct a portfolio of Unit Trusts in compliance with your risk profile and offers a selection of well researched and risk-rated funds.
The list of recommended funds is updated each quarter by Sanlam Personal Portfolios/Glacier.
The tool also offers an Asset Class Optimiser which will enable you to determine an Asset Allocation designed to achieve a specific annual investment return.
A new addition to the functionality is a tool which will enable you to view the asset allocation fund by fund as well as the asset allocation of your chosen portfolio. We have also built into the calculator a Portfolio Growth Estimator which can be used in your planning process.
Format: Excel Worksheet (xls) Last Modified: 13 March 2014 |  | SCREENSHOTS
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Projected Value Calculator
Prepare a document reflecting the projected values for a new investment.
Format: Last Modified: 18 July 2009 |